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Cai Xukun was sued by the former brokerage company and claimed 45 million Yuan

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Cai Xukun was sued by the former brokerage company and claimed 45 million Yuan.

Before we jump to the main point, let us get to know a little bit about the history of this dispute.

Yihai company's main business is the production and distribution of radio and television programs, business operations and stage design. As an entertainment company, there are many affiliate's artists and Cai Xukun is one of them. Cai Xukun was not popular at that time.

Cai Xukun was sued by the former brokerage company and claimed 45 million Yuan.

Under the age of 18, Cai Xiukun signed a seven-year contract with the company. However, due to various unfounded allegations by the company, Cai Xukun terminated his contract in 2017 and filed a lawsuit against the company.

In an interview, Cai Xiukun revealed that he had received very little financial support from the company since the first time. In addition, during SWIN, members needed to share the cost of fans meeting and the albums they held.

Come to the point.

The dispute between Cai Xukun and Yihai company is nothing new. They've already had one trial and two exchanges of evidences regarding this dispute.

But Yihai company did not want to give up on losing the first instance. According to recent reports, the second trial will take place on November 10. Yihai company sued Cai Xukun for participating in "Idol Producer" and terminated the contract with the company. They believed that Cai Xukun's actions violated the contract and had a negative impact on the company.

Cai Xukun was sued by the former brokerage company and claimed 45 million Yuan.
Cai Xukun in "Idol Producer"

Yihai company publicly announced that the company invested a huge amount of money on Cai Xukun at that time. Hence, the total of 45 million Yuan was charged from Cai Xukun for various expenses.

Interestingly is that, Yihai company was listed as a dishonest company for failing to fulfill the court's judgments many times. On August 20 this year, Yihai company was included on the list of dishonesty because it was unable to pay 34310.34 Yuan in compensation.


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